Schmidt Homestead

Our new home in Woodburn, IL

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

lots of new bees

Checked the bees last evening. Refilled the feeder.

They have about half of one one side of one of the new frames built out and are storeing honey/sugar water in it.

The new bees from my queen are very noticable against the darker black ones of Dave's that came from him. At this point my new ones outnumber the old ones at least 2 to 1. I got a good pic of 2 of the new ones working a sun flower in the sun flower patch we planted.

Still no pics of the hive, i should shoot some video.

Today i noticed that there was a lot of activity at the front of the hive. as i watched it seemed as if there was a fight going on at the hive. As i thought about it i remembered others talking about robbing. and with the new quart of sugar water, i bet thats what was happening. I hadnt been useing the entrance reducer, but tossed it in real quick to help them out. It seemed to make a diffrence, and they were not happy i was hanging around (about 5' away)

This is turning out to be my weekly check. I was exiciting to see all the fresh bees in the hive. Saw some new capped honey on the outer 2 frames in the corners, exciting to see.